Pink Fire Pointer How to Remove Split Ends with an Avocado Treatment

How to Remove Split Ends with an Avocado Treatment

Are you a busy bee? Have no time to hit the salon for a trim, but have ridiculously noticeable split ends? If so, this all-natural solution is for you!

Slightly dampen hair with a spray bottle.

Peel two avocados and remove the pits.

Place avocados in a bowl and mush them up by smashing with a fork.

Scoop a handful of avocado in you hand and rub it from top to bottom, be sure to use more at the areas with split ends;by putting it around your scalp it will prevent split ends in the future.

Pull up hair in shower cap or paper baggy.

After 15-25 minutes take a quick shower, remove avocado from hair.

Shampoo and condition.

Brush out hair to reveal beautiful, silky hair.