Pink Fire Pointer How to Get Rid of Dandruff (Natural Methods)

How to Get Rid of Dandruff (Natural Methods)

Dandruff is a common, albeit complex, skin problem resulting in the excessive flaking of dry, white skin from the scalp. The causes are myriad (see Causes to the left): dry skin, oily skin, overuse of styling products, poor diet, stress, excessive shampooing, a fat-eating yeast fungus called malassezia, more serious skin conditions, and any combination of the above can all contribute to your dandruff problem. But just as diverse as the causes of dandruff are, so are the treatments; there are an abundance of trusted self-care options for getting rid of your dandruff, the most common and effective of which we offer to you here.

Causes of Dandruff

The causes of dandruff can be divided into internal and external factors. The following are some of the most common:
  1. Poor health, hygiene, and/or nutrition.
  2. Emotional stress, anxiety, and/or exhaustion.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Hereditary predisposition.
  5. Infrequent and/or inadequate washing and rinsing of scalp and hair.
  6. Dry heat and/or cold weather.
  7. Improper and/or excessive use of harsh hair products (hair spray, gels and creams, dyes).
  8. Excessive use of hair dryers and curling irons.
  9. Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or head lice. 

Dandruff Control

Use commercial dandruff shampoos to get rid of your dandruff. A good anti-dandruff shampoo should contain salicylic acid, zinc pryithione, selenium sulfide, coal tar, or ketoconazole, all of which treat irritated skin cells. Head & Shoulders, Neutrogena, Pantene Pro-V, Pert Plus, Selsun Blue, Nizoral are all popular and effective brands of dandruff-formula shampoos. If you're not sure which product to try first, ask a professional, like your hair stylist or dermatologist. If you sucessfully get rid of your dandruff and choose to go back to a regular-formula shampoo and conditioner, use smaller amounts and make sure to rinse thoroughly to avoid further scalp irritation from over-washing.
Change your styling regimine to get rid of dandruff. Compound build-up from styling products (hair gels, creams, waxes, dyes) and heat and perspiration from hair dryers and irons can cause the scalp irritation and build-up that contributes to dry or oily scalps. To get rid of (or prevent) dandruff be gentle to your hair and scalp by reducing the amount of product you use in your hair, looking for products containing natural ingredients instead of harsh chemicals, and air-drying or towel-drying your hair.
Treat a dry scalp with moisturizing oils and lotions to get rid of dandruff. An invigorating scalp scrub or oil (try something with peppermint in it) can help to heal dry and flaky skin, as well as improve circulation -- another key factor in the presence of dandruff. Other ways to improve circulation to and treat an irritated scalp include alternating rinses under cold and warm water, exercising in the fresh air and sunshine (use sunscreen), and brushing or massaging your scalp before shampooing.
A healthy diet can prevent and get rid of dandruff. Excessive intake of fats, oils, starches, sugars can create the imbalances and nutritional deficiencies that cause an unhealthy scalp and, in turn, dandruff. B Vitamins (especially B6), Vitamin A, healthy fats found in nuts and flax, Garlic, and oil of oregano are all feasible dandruff-fighting dietary supplements. Food allergies can also be behind your dandruff; common allergies include chocolate, nuts, and shellfish.
Stress and anxiety can contribute to dandruff. Emotional, mental, and physical stress play a huge factor in your overall health, dandruff and scalp included. Lack of sleep and rest, stress and worry about your work and/or personal life, illness, and fluctuating hormones can all contribute to your dandruff problem. Just because something bigger doesn't seem directly connected to the state of your scalp doesn't mean you can discount in your dandruff treatment plan. Be aware of your mental and emotional state of health, and be willing take steps to improve problems there in order to get rid of physcial problems like dandruff.

Back To Basics

Seems everyone is going back to basics.  Instead of treatments and cures that use chemicals we are taking the time to look into safe and natural alternatives.  We love the natural alternatives to better health, weight loss, skin and hair care.  This time of year as the weather gets colder, some of us will suffer from dry skin and dry hair.  Natural home remedies are once again becoming as popular as they were years ago with our parents and grandparents.  A favorite for anyone suffering from dandruff is a dandruff home remedy.  If you have a problem with dandruff, try these safe and natural home remedies.

A Dandruff Home Remedy from India

The ingredients you will need are curd, honey and lemon.  Use two tablespoons of curd and mix with three drops of honey and three drops of lemon juice.  Mix together and apply to the scalp, leave on for fifteen minutes, then scrub for fifteen minutes.

Try Coconut Oil For A Dandruff Home Remedy

The best place of buy coconut oil is at any natural or health food store like GNC.  Apply the coconut oil to the scalp and scrub away the dead skin with a brush or fingernails.  Next, either hold your head under a faucet of hot water or in the shower under hot water for fifteen minutes.  You will have immediate results that will last up to six months or a year.

A Canadian Answer For A Dandruff Home Remedy

This will work wonders for your dandruff problem.  Apply baby oil to the entire head in the evening, wrap your head with a towel and leave on until morning then shampoo.  Use the baby oil daily until all dandruff is gone.

Another Dandruff Home Remedy From The States

The answer to this dandruff home remedy is lemon juice.  It's best to use the lemon juice in squeeze bottles since it's easier to control.  Stand over either your kitchen or bathroom sink and squirt the lemon juice all over your head and massage.  Leave on for about fifteen minutes, then wash your hair.  It usually takes no more than two treatments for the dandruff itch to disappear.  This is just a temporary cure.  Repeat as needed should the dandruff come back.

A Dandruff Home Remedy From The Kitchen

Check your kitchen cupboard for olive oil and almond oil.  If you don't have either one, you can usually buy them at health food or vitamin stores.  Mix the two together and apply to scalp and leave on for five minutes.  Once it starts to tingle rinse and shampoo.

A Dandruff Home Remedy From The Barber Shop

Here's an old dandruff home remedy from a retired barber.  Add two crushed aspirins to your shampoo when you wash your hair.  Leave the mixture on for two minutes then rinse and wash again.  This remedy usually works after one treatment.

For a quick fix try aloe vera gel 10-15 minutes before you wash your hair.  Leave it on for about 10 minutes then shampoo your hair.  Use this on a daily basis to keep dandruff away.  On a regular basis try crushing about 10-20 aspirin and mix with liquid shampoo.  Use this dandruff home remedy on a daily basis.  Soak Fenugreek seeds (purchased from a health food store) overnight in water.  In the morning when the seeds are soft, grind them into a paste and apply to the scalp.  Leave on for half an hour rinse then shampoo.

Something most people have in their kitchen are thyme leaves.  Boil about 4 to 5 leaves in two cups of water for ten minutes.  After the mixture cools apply to your scalp and leave on for half an hour then rinse and shampoo.  Also, you can make a tea of apple sage and rosemary tea then apply to scalp leave on for approximately 10-15 minutes rinse then shampoo.