Pink Fire Pointer About me ... in a few words :)

About me ... in a few words :)

Who am I?? :-"

If I were a mounth, I would be August.
If I were a day of a week, I would be Sunday.
If I were a part of a day, I would be evening.
If I were a marine animal, I would be a shark.
If I were a direction, I would be "UP".
If I were a virtue, I would be Justice.
If I were a planet, I would be Venus.
If I were a liquid, I would pe water.
If I were a bird, I would be a phoenix.
If I were a tree, I would be a Sequoia.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be a piano.
If I were a song, I would be "Freelove- Depeche Mode".
If I were a movie, I would be "Revolver".
If I were a book, I would be "Most beloved of the Earth- Marin Preda".
If I were a town, I would be Paris.
If I were a  taste, I would be sweet.
If I were a  flavor, I would be vanilla.
If I were a  color, I would be pink.
If I were a  material, I would be silk.
If I were a word, I would be "love".
If I were a part of a body, I would be the eyes.
If I were an expresion of a face, I would be a smile.
If I were a car, I would be a Ferrary.

Well... Hard to talk when it comes to me ...
I am an optimist and this helps me a lot. I believe that life is beautiful and I see it as a strategy game, if you know the rules survive, if not, either you surrender or kneeling. Confidence, willpower and perseverance are things that I use when I want something.
I'm not bound by a motto, but I have a lot of proverbs that I fully agree. Many people at first sight,  think that I am nose on top, arrogant(this is true), but this is a way, acttualy a test for those people to see if they prefer to keep the distance or they still want to know me better. If you have prejudice or not.
I think one of my flaws, and I do not know if I would ever escape, is that I opened myself  in front of people too quickly. If they seem to be nice, I let go immediately, but I was wrong many times and still could not learn my lesson.
I think I'm an interesting person, but only if you have certain things in common with me, so you can see the  life through my eyes. I'm not a mediocre and my life is not just about alcohol, sex, drugs, but I think I have a purpose on this Earth, and must leave something to posterity as long as I live.
Relationship with others varies from person to person, being on different levels: the those close to me I dedicate, others have deductions, and those who do not have much tangent I'm just withdrawn, and try to be nice and polite with them, but nothing more.
I'm changing, now crying, now laughing, forget and forgive quickly, can not hate someone unless he did something really serious and deeply hurt me, but even then not last forever, all this varies depending on my emotional states.
As a profession I'm an engineer. You might wonder what an engineer has in common with fashion, style, beauty.  Before beeing an engineer I'm a women and all women know how important it is to look good, to care for your physical appearance, to look as presentable as posibil and as the trend. Besides your knowledge accumulated along your existance, the way you look gives you extra success.
It might be of some superficiality?
I'll conclude my presentation here. I think this is one of the longest ever made and I wish you pleasant stay on my blog, where I hope you to find articles more interesting and I hope to learn many things together.