Pink Fire Pointer October 2011

How To Dress Well...

This is a mega note ponder in the language of every common man. How you look, dress and care for yourself sends signals to others about what you are like. Weather you are going for a job interview, meeting or just staying at home. The right dress put on a right way always helps.
Proper dressing based on several factors body type, height, color of the skin, your choice, your level of comfort, occasion etc.The most important things to be kept in mind while choosing a dress is that you need to feel comfortable in it. You can wear the most expensive cloths but if you don’t feel comfortable in it, that’s not how to dress.
You can genuinely clothe well without spending too much sum of money. Being well dressed involves knowing yourself your lifestyle, your best colors, your best clothing styles and so much more. However, if you pay attention to the following four steps you will be on your way to looking great. In this clause we`ll offer you various hints that are really requisite to adopt and help in arrangement to wear better without losing too some money.

Organized Dressing

An organized dresser knows what he owns and the items he needs to complete a look. The clothes are neat and organized where they can be easily seen and outfits can be put together quickly. When you get dressed just pull the doors of your wardrobe area open making an extension of your closet. Turn on your little lamp and with your organized dressing room you'll have everything at your fingertips.

Explore You Style

A well-dressed being knows his individual style so he is never tempted to buy any dress that is not perfect for him. He has accessed his lifestyle, his personality and knows what looks incomparable on him and what he feels most comfortable suiting.
A simple dress worn naturally by a person with confidence is more impressive than any designer outfit on a man that feels uncomfortable in it. When you feel uncomfortable and self conscious your confidence suffers great set backs and an uncomfortable dress not only ruins your event, it usually isn’t flattering on you either. So being able to move freely in your dress and feeling comfortable in it is very important.

Body Structure

Persons who know their body type and what lines look best on them feel better about the choices they make. That’s how shopping is much easier because unappealing shapes can be ruled out and expenses can be saved when one knows what looks best. Hold the structure of your body in mind when picking out any dress. There are gorgeous dresses for every type of body, but not every beautify goes with every type of body.

Dressing For Your Age

Dressing for your age means avoiding outfits which play it seem equal you are trying to become young. Getting older is no reason to stop following fashion trends. The secret is to give a nod to a trend by taking an analytical look at what is available in the marketplace and deciding which styles and pieces from each trend will work for you. This has as much to do with understanding your body's flaws as it has to do with your age.
So, you are configured, you screwed up your style and your body structure. What else to be well dressed? A well-dressed person is competent to take all these elements and put them together with quality. He knows how to match styles, how accentuate, what to wear to certain events and is assured about his choices. In every place he feels confident about how he dressed and is clear to tackle any activity at hand.
Dressing well doesn’t mean it will cost more, nor does it mean that is will be less comfortable. There are so many cheap clothing options that look great and looking good doesn’t mean that it isn’t comfortable. Knowing that you feel good and look good at the same time is an even better feeling! Knowing how to dress is the understanding of knowing what goes well with what.
Developing a sense of style, like all things, will take time and practice, for beginners simply keep an open mind and start paying attention to what people wear. The world is not just a stage, it’s a ramp and everyone is watching.

How to Become a Natural Beauty?

We try to look beautiful but sometimes end up looking a tad artificial. This article not only highlights the ideals of a natural beauty but also reflects on enhancing yourself, body, and mind.


  1. Believe that you are beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman who is truly confident in her appearance. Have you heard of Roald Dahl's story? 'The Twits'?
  2. Live healthfully. This is essential to enhancing your natural beauty. This doesn't mean you have to become a health nut and only eat granola and yogurt. Instead buy health magazines like "Self", for easy quick tips that you can implement in your daily life - The most efficent way is eating a BALANCED diet and also get plenty of exercise. Start by walking with friends, taking up dancing or start to jog around the block every day.
  3. Clear up your skin & even the tone. Embrace your face. Learn to accept and love your skin even if it is not clear or even toned. You can use natural products such as shea butter for more even skin tone, rosemary oil for acne, tea tree oil for inflammed acne, and witchhazel for a calming affect on redness. Just add a few drops to your nighttime moisturizer. Supplement by adding more veggies and fruit to your diet and getting plenty of vitamins D and C. Remember to exfoliate your skin no more than 3 times a week. Do not over exfoliate though because it will make your face go flaky and red. Rinse your face in the morning with cool water and use a cleanser that doesn't contain alcohol. Place the cleanser in a small spray bottle for a light misting that you can use throughout the day and follow with a moisturizing face cream with a sunblock.
  4. Get pretty, healthy hair. If you want to dye your hair (which always makes your hair stand out and is a great way to change up your look) opt for ammonia free kits or ask your colorist or stylist at your salon to use ammonia free or "gentle" concoctions. Ask for a semi or demi- permanent dye and always embrace your hair colour and texture. No hair type is unattractive. Not only will this mitigate the time you spend with the flatiron or curling iron, it will also increase the strength of your tresses. If you must use heat-tools use a heat protective spray before you style or blow dry to keep your hair shiny and healthy. Wash your hair reguarly so its nice and clean otherwise it will go greasy and it will start to smell.
  5. Brush those pearly whites. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, follow with a restorative mouth wash. Floss at night before you go to bed, and chew sugar free gum after meals to promote saliva flow which ultimately lessens the probability of cavities because it prevents plaque acid. Be sure to see your dentist twice a year for checkups and a cleaning. To keep teeth white and strong drink acidic drinks such as coffee and soda through straws to prevent corrosion of the enamel.
  6. Don't make the makeup obvious. A good tinted moisturizer, brown mascara, nude or pink lipgloss, and a touch of rosy cream blush is all the natural beauty needs. But if you want to play up your look for evening, a great lined cat-eye in a charcoal or bronze looks incredible.
  7. Get some exercise. Be body conscious, but never obsess. You don't need the fancy diet programs advertised on tv nor do you need to belong to those health clubs that are popping up everywhere. Just do you. Exercise what you enjoy. Thats why its called exercise which originally meant "the act of employing or putting into play". So if you like to walk your dog, run, hike, bike, dance, or even watch Richard Simmons. Do what makes you move and what you enjoy. Exercise also makes you feel more confident and happy because it releases hormones called endorphins.
  8. Get enough sleep. Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! It is wonderful and we don't do it nearly enough. Aim for the bare minimum 6 and a half hours of sleep and shoot for 9/10 hours. Set a regular bedtime such as 9o'clock and don't eat two hours before bed, stay away from caffeine which has a half life of approximately 4.9 hours. That means that if you drink a cup of coffee, half of the caffeine in that cup of coffee is out of your body in 4.9 hours. If you have a cup of coffee an hour before bed... well you are in for a restless night. If you have a hard time falling asleep, systematic relaxation techniques are wonderful. Start at your feet and tense the muscles in your feet for a count of 5 seconds and relax. Proceed up the body tensing and releasing the leg, buttocks, stomach, arms, hands, neck and face muscles through counts of 5 seconds. If you have racing thoughts imagine that your thoughts are fish and you are catching them in a slow moving stream. Acknowledge that they are there and then send them on their way, Relaxing medatation music on youtube is very useful to. Finally, melatonin is a natural supplement that aids in relaxation and sleep. This should be reserved for individuals who have a very difficult time with sleep and are considering going on medication. Try melatonin first. It is naturally occurring, and non-habit forming.


  • Drink about 64 oz of water a day. It is a wonderful cleanser. You can also drink juice but stay away from the sugary or diet sodas and sports drinks. Instead, make a pot of iced green tea and add lemon or any fruit you like (I'm a mango girl myself).
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet with plenty of protein, whole grain, and vegetables. Additionally, fruit can be highly beneficial to the skin and is packed with vitamins. Aim for dark fruits such as blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. But don't go overboard with the "superfruit" fad. Just because you pay $25 dollars for a bottle of pomwonderful, doesn't mean you are reaping more benefits than eating a 10 cent apple.
  • Do 10 minutes of pilates or yoga every morning before other work. Pilates and yoga work the body and stimulate blood flow ultimately promoting health and vitality. All you need is a mat or soft carpeting. Breathing is essential. Start with an inhale and breath through your nose, sucking the belly in. On the exhale, breath out through your mouth, puffing the belly out, concentrating on the breath. Deep breathing is a wonderful stress relieving technique as well. Try to extend the inhales and exhales to counts of 8.
  • Don't touch your face too often, avoid resting your face on your hands, and try to always remember to wash your hands before touching your face. Your hands contain natural sebaceous oils which can clog pores, coupled with the bacteria on your hands that you pick up from day to day activities... well there in lies a perfect storm for a nasty breakout.
  • If you lean your face on your hands, it stretches out our skin making it dry and giving you wrinkles earlier. Additionally, leaning on your hands is a sign of weak posture, continue with yoga and deep breathing in the mornings but also work on strengthening your core and extending the spine through proper posture. Overtime your posture muscles in your back like erector spinae will be strengthened and you won't have to rely on resting on your hands. This follows:
  • NO SLOUCHING! Slouching never makes anyone look confident and it orients the spine at an angle, compressing those precious posture muscles and ultimately leading to back pain. A natural beauty won't feel or look so beautiful if they are in pain.
  • Get your physical done! This checks your complete physical health and is always a good idea to have done annually. Make sure to tell your doctor if you have a history of any condition in your family so they better know what to look for.
  • See a dermatologist yearly and bring to their attention any areas of inflammation and any new moles or moles that have changed.
  • Remember: split ends, dry hair, dandruff, and unclean hair is NEVER attractive. However, don't overdo the shampoo. Shampoo (especially ones with sulfates) can strip the natural oils of your hair. Look for a cleansing shampoo that is sulfate free and use a dap of it, concentrating at the scalp. Aim to shampoo no more than three times a week and blow dry and heat style no more than twice a week. If you have oily hair find a dry shampoo to refresh strands between shampoos and extend the life of your blow dry. Spray at the scalp and let set.
  • When conditioning and shampooing, rinse hair with cool water, not hot or warm. (Rinsing with cool doesn't damage hair like heat does and it also smooths the outside of each hair, making it shine).
  • You can use makeup but aim to keep it as light as possible. Apply evenly and sparingly, you don't want anyone to know you are wearing it. Makeup should always enhance you and never mask you. This is the crux of the natural beauty. Apply a tinted moisturizer with spf 15 or higher all over, brown curling mascara on the lashes, golden or tawny eyeshadows on the lids, rose colored blush on the apples of the cheeks and chapstick on the lips.
  • If you want naturally wavy hair, just wash it and plait, braid, or secure into loose bun and let it dry overnight. In the morning you should have lovely natural waves without having to use any hair products. If your hair is still damp in the morning, blast with a blow dryer and use a wave enhancing spray to set the curls.
  • Finally, smile!! a lot. Happy people are sexy, beautiful, and brimming with confidence. Just remember to brush those pearly whites at least twice a day, chew sugar free gum after meals, floss regularly and don't overdo the whitening products. 3 times a year should be enough for the a good otc kit.
  • Remember to be active, healthy, and happy and natural beauty will follow.


  • Wear sunblock everyday! Even in the winter, sun rays penetrate clouds and can cause damage. It is important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which protects against both UVA and UVB rays and for goodness sake, turn the tanning bed off. If you must tan, tan before special occasions, vacations, or important life events. Alternatively, there are great self-tanning bronzers and products out there that make you look glamourous and sunkissed without berating the bank and your skin. But remember we are going for a natural look, so mix the self-tan product with your favorite moisturizing body lotion for a subtle effect.
  • Wear sunglasses! Just as you protect your skin, it is important to protect your windows to the world. Look for shades that protect against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • DO NOT SMOKE! The effects are absolutely horrendous. But for the smokers that want to become natural beauties, there are nearly thousands of treatment options out there to help you kick the habit. Start with consulting your primary care physician and she/he can point you in the direction right for you.
  • Temper the drinking. Let's face it, we all like to have cocktails with friends and attend parties, but binge drinking can wreak havoc on the skin and organs. Try to have less than a drink a day and never have so much that you don't remember events from the night before, vomit or pass out. Being a natural beauty means being in control and aware of your body and mind.
  • Be body conscious, not body obsessed. Just as being overweight can have adverse health affects, dieting fads, and over concern for body image can be just as damaging to your mental and physical well being. Begin by being conscious of your caloric intake, aim for about 2,000 a day but don't fret if you go over once or twice a week. Being a natural beauty means understanding that nobody is perfect!
  • If you need to lose a few pounds, understand the energy balance principle. To lose weight you must burn more calories than you take in. Know that in 1 pound of fat there are approximately 3500 calories. To lose two pounds a week, you need to cut out 500 calories a day. The easiest way to do that is to stop drinking so much soda!! 1 8-oz can of cola has about 105 calories and one fast food "medium" size cola has 250. Being the smart natural beauty that you are... you do the math.
  • If you need to lose more than 20 pounds, it is best to talk to a primary care physician, life coach, exercise physiologist, or dietician. They can look at the whole beautiful picture of you and prescribe the best and safest method of weight loss for you.
  • Finally, be happy! Depression affects more than 21 million Americans annually and is the leading cause of disability for individuals ages 15-44. If you feel like you may be struggling with depression seek help, either in the form of counseling, medication, meditation or self help literature. The resources are out there.

    How to Do Your Makeup for School !!

    Doing make-up for school is something essential for many girls. It's important to know how to apply make-up the right way.

    1. Before all this, you should eat breakfast! Not only will it give you a great energy boost before you head off to school, but it will give you a nice pink in your cheeks and pink lips, and keep you refreshed throughout the day. It is just stupid and ridiculous to skip it, and without it you'll look malnutritioned and people will ask you why you look so tired, which is never a good thing.

    2. Clean your face with your favorite face cleanser. You shouldn't use some that dry up spots, as it will make your skin too dried. Opt for Witch Oil Control Face Cleanser, or Garnier Exfo-Brusher Wash. They both make your skin feel silky smooth without making your skin greasy or dry.

    3. After that, apply a tiny bit of moisturizer. If you apply too much, your face will look greasy instead of feeling well moisturized and healthy.

    4. Apply foundation evenly onto the skin. Always try and find the lightest foundation to match your skin tone, not too light that it makes you look extremely pale, but not too dark that it makes you look like an orange. Apply it down onto your neck and your jaw bone and temples too, so that there's no streaks.

    5. Apply your favorite concealer. Remember to go over dark circles under your eyes and any blemishes or unattractive marks.

    6. Following this apply powder. It should be a little lighter than your foundation. Wearing powder will help your make-up stay on longer and reduces shine of grease on your skin.

    7. Apply mascara. For school, it is recommended that you go for a more natural look, so a light application of mascara is all that is needed.

    8. Eye liner. Apply either along the top of your lashes or along your bottom lash line. Applying all around the eye can sometimes be too much for a light daytime look (and if you have small eyes or pale skin may look too gothic). Blacks, greys and browns are the best colours to look natural but you will have to look at your skin colour and hair colour to see what will suit you. In general people with tanned or darker skin tones can usually get away with harsher blacks.

    9.Don't forget the lipgloss or lipstick! It's a perfect finishing touch.


    • Before all this, you should eat breakfast! Not only will it give you a great energy boost before you head off to school, but it will give you a nice pink in your cheeks and pink lips, and keep you refreshed throughout the day.
    • If you are in middle school then just keep it simple. Most kids this age won't be allowed or expected to wear make-up so just add a slick of natural coloured lipgloss! As you get older you can experiment with different types of makeup and different colours!
      • Most guys don't like heavy makeup, so keep it very simple and very clean.
    • Keep your eyebrows groomed!
    • It is important to look healthy. If you have acne, buy a product to keep breaks-outs under control. Too pale? Get a little sun, but don't overdo it.
    • Don't feel obligated to wear make-up, only wear if you need it or really want it. It's not a necessity!
    • If you're to pale and want a tan use a daily moisturizer and apply before foundation and once you wipe your make-up off apply again and you will have a sunless tan by 7 days!
    • Always blend you're foundation down your neck, but if you're going to school make sure it doesn't go on your collar of your shirt.
    • Don't make yourself orange because your mom will go mad!
    • For dark skin girls you just have to make sure that you don't use colours that is too bright for you skin e.g green eyeshadow is a big NO. a light colored eye shadow with shine is fine.
    • Use a sheer gloss it is very good it exemplifies you lips and shows how luscious it is.
    • If you are using eyeshadow, liner, or both, a primer is a good idea as it will help your eye makeup to stay on longer without migrating and/or fading.
    • You could also put on a little bit of eyeshadow like very light pinks and natural browny colours.
    • Remember, Make up is to enhance your looks, not to cover them up.


    • Find a face wash that works for your skin type. Not every face wash works for everyone.
    • You should only wash your face two times a day: in the morning and before you go to bed. If you wash your face too much, your face will get really dried out.
    • Keep your hair off of your face whenever you can to avoid making your face oily.
    • Avoid touching your face at all, the oil on your fingers will get on your face and make your face very greasy. Always, always, always wash your hands before touching your face.
    • Always use a new face cleanser for a few weeks before you decide if it works. Changing your face regimen may result in acne, so don't judge quickly.
    • Check your makeup in natural sunlight. Some bad mistakes girls make are too much rouge, globby mascara, dark lipliner, penciled eyebrows or overplucked eyebrows, strange-colored eyeshadow or foundation that is the wrong color - all because it looked fine in their crummy bathroom light.
    • Get good lighting. Natural light is often best so try to have a mirror next to your window in the bathroom. Your makeup will probably look better because of this.
    • If your Mom or big sister wear too much makeup it doesn't mean you have to. The natural look with good skin is so much prettier.
    • If you have light skin and you have gotten a tan you should to make sure that you tan doesn't look too orange or it may destroy the look you are going for.
    • If you apply your eye pencil to the inside of your bottom lid be sure you sharpen it afterward to reduce the risk of eye infection.( if you buy liquid eye pencil it makes this much easier!)

    How to Apply Makeup for a Natural Look!

    If you're unhappy with how you look or just want a change but don't want people to know you're wearing make-up (or if you're not allowed, like at school), try these tips. Here you can read all about how to apply makeup so you look naturally beautiful.

    1. Make sure your face is clean of any previous makeup. In general you don't want to over wash your face because that can dry it out. Just take a cotton ball and put either makeup remover or water and just dab or rub in small circles to remove old makeup.
      • Determine your skin type and cleanse, tone and moisturize with suitable products twice daily. If you have skin problems like spots/blackheads, exfoliate your skin.
    2. Moisturize. Using a small dab the size of a pea, gently rub in an unscented, oil free lotion. Scented lotions can aggravate skin and cause breakouts or an allergic reaction.
    3. Determine your right color of foundation. Get in a natural light and test the foundation to make sure it's the right color for your skin. Dab a few marks on your cheek and angle your face different ways to see if the color matches. Make sure to go underneath your jaw line otherwise the foundation will show the different colors.
      • Take your finger or a sponge dab in the foundation, and dab it on your face, blending it until it looks like your skin tone.
      • If you have bags or discoloration under your eyes, take the cotton swab and make 3 dots on the line of the circles under your eyes. Take your ring finger and dab it in gently.
      • Tinted moisturizer is better for a more natural look, it blends in while evening out your skin tone. It commonly has SPF, and it moisturizes. Those with clearer skin will look best with this.
    4. Use concealer on dark or red spots.Make sure this is the EXACT same color as your skin. Be sure you apply it directly on the spot and not around it, to avoid a halo effect and emphasize the spot. Optionally set with beige powder.
    5. Use two eyeshadows for a professional look. Apply an oatmeal tone all over your lid and just above your crease, and use a caramel tone to softly line the top lid and outline your crease. For a natural look, remember to blend the colours, which should be golds, browns or silvers, depending on your skin tone and colouring.
    6. Line your eyes with a roasted-colored pencil liner. Pencil looks more natural than liquid or gel liner and it is easier to blend. Line two thirds of your top lashline and one third of your bottom lashline. Smudge the line with a cotton bud.
    7. Curl your eyelashes. It's not as scary as it sounds, and it gives you a natural-looking lift to them without having makeup on them. Follow with one coat of brown or soft black (for darker skin) mascara.
    8. Apply either bronzer or blush.
      • Bronzer: Bronzer is a great way to make it look like you have a natural glow. Lightly brush bronzer all over your face, or just along your cheekbones and T-Zone for a natural suntan appearance. However, bronzer can look silly on people with pale skin if you apply it incorrectly. Practice at home with bronzer to see if it looks good on you before going out with it on.
      • Blush: Creme blush generally works better than powder because it gives you a dewy look and lasts longer. Using a champagne-tinted creme blush, rub a little on your ring finger and blend onto your cheekbones.
    9. Apply a neutral lip color. Avoid using chalky lipsticks or shiny lip glosses. Lip stain is generally best because it looks natural and lasts all day. Use a color that's close to your natural lip color, such as a dewy-rose or pearly salmon and apply it lightly within your natural lip line. Before you apply lipstick, make sure you apply lip balm or ChapStick so your lips don't dry out.
    10. Relax. Constantly checking a mirror, and fussing over your face can ruin a day. Smile, and have lots of confidence.